“A Trek to Remember: The Allure of Lake Alakol”


Jeti-Oguz is located near Karakol, these cliffs contrast beautifully with the green valley, creating a dramatic landscape. The area is rich in legends and offers hiking trails leading to alpine meadows and panoramic views.

Alakol Lake

Alakol Lake, high in the Terskey Alatau mountains, is a hidden gem known for its crystal-clear waters and peaceful atmosphere. Surrounded by towering peaks, it’s a challenging trek to reach but rewards visitors with stunning, secluded beauty, perfect for camping and nature lovers.

During the trekking days, all overnight accommodations will be provided in yurt camps, which include breakfasts, dinners, and lunch boxes, as well as warm sleeping bags for your comfort at night.

You’ll only need to carry your personal belongings, as all other gear and supplies will be managed at the camps. Throughout your journey, you will be accompanied by two experienced trekking guides to ensure your safety and enhance your experience.

Category: Trekking

Duration: Auto – 2 days, trekking – 6 days

Level of Difficulty: moderate to difficult, pass at 3,800 meters ASL

Best Season: mid-June – mid-September

Accommodation & meals:  yurt camping places for the trekkers  

Group size: any

Ascent  4,073 m

Descent 4,403 m

Max Elevation 3,880 m

Min Elevation 1,975 m

Distance  70 – 75  km


We’ll begin our scenic drive from Bishkek to Jeti-Oguz village, leaving no later than 9 a.m. On the way, we’ll stop in Bokonbaevo for a delicious lunch with a local family. Afterward, we’ll visit the stunning Skazka Canyon, known for its fairytale-like rock formations. Though it’s a long day on the road, there will be chances for short nature walks and cultural experiences. By early evening, we’ll arrive at a cozy guesthouse in Jeti-Oguz, where a warm dinner and a relaxing overnight stay await.

Driving time: 6-7 hours

After breakfast, we’ll transfer to Svetlaya Polyana valley to begin our trek to Kok-Jaiyk. The trail leads through a lush, green valley surrounded by the dense Tien-Shan fir forest. We’ll enjoy a picnic lunch in the heart of the wilderness before descending into Kok-Jaiyk valley in the afternoon. Dinner and overnight will be at a yurt camp.

Trekking time: 5-6 hours.

Trekking distance: 12-14 km

After breakfast, we gear up with our backpacks and trekking poles, ready for the adventure ahead! We’ll hike through a picturesque gorge dotted with jailoos — traditional pastures for dairy cattle. After a couple of hours, the majestic Oguz-Bashi Peak (5,170 m) will come into view. At the trail fork, we’ll take the left path toward Telety Pass. The ascent is steep, so it’s important to pace yourself, especially as this will be your first climb to 3,000 meters where the thinner air makes oxygen harder to absorb. Before reaching the pass, we’ll settle into a tent camp for dinner and an overnight stay.

Trekking distance: 10-12 km

Trekking time: 5-6 hours

The next day, we’ll ascend to Telety Pass, where snow lingers year-round. However, if the sun is shining, you won’t need to bundle up — it can get quite warm. The pass itself is non-technical and relatively easy to cross, especially after a night at altitude, which helps with acclimatization.

The descent into the flowering valley is scenic, though without any striking landmarks. Around lunchtime, as the gorges and couloirs on your right taper off, keep an eye out for the trail starting along the ridge to the right. We’ll follow it briefly before descending directly into the Karakol River valley. This descent can be steep and tricky, especially in wet conditions, as the clay soil becomes slippery.

By the time we reach the next camp, a hot dinner and a cozy overnight stay will be waiting to welcome us.

Trekking distance: 15-17 km

Trekking time: 6-7 hours

In the morning, we’ll cross the bridge and follow the well-trodden path that ascends to the right. This trail is frequently used by groups hiking to Lake Ala-Kul. About halfway up, we’ll reach the “Sirota” shelter by a small lake—a simple wooden hut with benches, food supplies, and firewood, built as a refuge from bad weather. It’s an ideal spot for a lunch break.

Afterward, the trail climbs higher, leading us to a beautiful waterfall that flows from the lake. After about three to three and a half hours of trekking, we’ll finally catch sight of Lake Ala-Kul (3,650 m). The lake, known for its changing colors depending on the weather, is surrounded by smaller lakes, each with its own unique hue.

We’ll descend to the lake’s pebble shores, where we can take in its mesmerizing beauty. If the weather is warm enough, you can take a quick dip—though the glacier-fed waters are frigid! From there, we’ll continue along the left bank, making our way to the eastern shore where we’ll set up camp for the night.

As darkness falls, don’t forget to gaze up at the night sky. At 3,600 meters, the stars will seem incredibly close, like a golden blanket draped across the heavens—an unforgettable sight only visible in the highlands!

Trekking distance: 8-10 km

Trekking time: 5-6 hours

The morning begins with our ascent to Ala-Kol Pass, where a strong wind often greets us, so we’ll put on our hats right away. The climb is moderately steep and offers stunning views, with wild irises and edelweiss blooming beneath our feet. Upon reaching the pass, we’ll once again be awed by the cosmic beauty of the lake before starting our descent into the Altyn-Arashan valley.

This descent is steep and on loose pebbles, so we’ll need to tread carefully. We have a three to four-hour trek ahead of us, which includes crossing a river (where the water can be quite high) and a bridge before we arrive at a cluster of white sheds—our destination.

These are the hot springs! Here, you can indulge in a soothing soak, easing your tired muscles after days of hiking. Our day will end with dinner and a cozy overnight stay in a yurt camp.

Trekking distance: 10-12 km

Trekking time: 4-5 hours

After breakfast, we’ll embark on our final downhill hike along the Arashan River until we reach the Ak-Suu point, where our transport will be waiting to take us to Karakol town. We expect to arrive in town just in time for a late lunch.

After settling into our guesthouse, we’ll celebrate the conclusion of our adventure with a lovely dinner, complete with drinks to toast our unforgettable journey!

Trekking distance: 15-16 km

Trekking time: 4-5 hours

After breakfast, we’ll transfer back to Bishkek, stopping in Tamchy village to visit a local family of skilled handicraft artisans. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to learn how to make a traditional Kyrgyz felt carpet during a hands-on demonstration at their home.

We’ll enjoy lunch with the family before continuing our journey. We expect to arrive in Bishkek by late afternoon, where you’ll check into your hotel for the evening.

Driving time: 7-8 hours.


Accommodations include cozy guesthouses in the villages and towns, yurt camps, and camping near Lake Ala-Kol. There is no need to carry tents, as all overnight places will be provided by yurt camps.


For your trekking adventure, we recommend traveling with a soft material bag for your main luggage and a small daypack for essentials. Ensure your bags are of good quality, with strong straps and secure zippers. Since temperatures can vary widely (from 0 to 30 degrees Celsius), layering your clothing is essential. You’ll likely be adjusting layers frequently throughout the day, especially while walking. Here’s a comprehensive list:


  • Thermal underwear
  • Fleece pullovers and trousers (100% polyester for warmth)
  • Rain/windproof jacket with a hood and matching trousers
  • Quality socks (several pairs, cushioned and climate-controlled)
  • Lightweight trousers (combat-style recommended, especially those that zip off into shorts)
  • One pair of ankle-length boots or walking shoes with good grip (we recommend “Gore-Tex” for breathability, but leather is better for wet and snowy conditions; ensure boots are broken in)
  • Fleece hat with earflaps and sun hat
  • Rubber slippers or flip-flops (for relaxing around the camp)
  • Swimming suit/shorts (for cooling off in streams)
  • Lightweight gloves
  • Shorts


  • Torch (with spare batteries)
  • Penknife (Swiss Army or Leatherman; your guide will have one as well)
  • Sunglasses (with UV protection)
  • Sunscreen (high SPF)
  • Insect repellent
  • Blister plasters

Daypack Essentials

Since you won’t have access to your main bag while walking, it’s important to carry the following items in your daypack:

  • 1 x 25/30-litre daypack (with air-comfort system/back support)
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Extra fleece/warm layer
  • Sun hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen (high SPF)
  • Lip balm
  • Lightweight scarf (can double as a headscarf)

Yes, there are cultural experiences, including visits to local families and handicraft demonstrations in Tamchy village.

To determine if you’re fit enough for the Lake Ala-Kol trek, consider the following:

  1. Physical Fitness: The trek involves moderate to challenging terrain with steep ascents and descents. A good level of cardiovascular fitness is important. If you regularly engage in activities like hiking, running, or cycling, you should be well-prepared.
  2. Duration of Trekking: You will be trekking for several hours each day (5-6 hours on average), so it’s helpful to have endurance for sustained activity.
  3. Altitude: The trek reaches elevations up to 3,650 meters (11,975 feet). If you have not hiked at high altitudes before, it may take some acclimatization, and you should be aware of altitude sickness symptoms.
  4. Preparation: Prior training can help. Incorporate hikes with elevation gain into your routine, and practice carrying a daypack.
  5. Consult a Professional: If you have any health concerns or pre-existing conditions, consider consulting a healthcare provider before undertaking the trek.

If you regularly engage in physical activity and are comfortable with longer hikes, you should be fit enough for this adventure!

Yes, all meals are provided, including breakfasts, dinners, and lunch boxes throughout the trek.

Staying hydrated is crucial during the trek to Lake Ala-Kol. Here are some important points about drinking water:

  1. Water Availability: Fresh water is usually available from natural sources along the trekking route. Make sure to refill your water bottles whenever you have the opportunity.
  2. Water Purification: It’s advisable to purify water from natural sources to prevent illness. You can use water purification tablets, filters, or boil water to ensure it’s safe to drink.
  3. Hydration Tips:
    • Drink Regularly: Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water. Aim to drink small amounts regularly throughout the day.
    • Monitor Color: Check the color of your urine; pale yellow indicates good hydration, while dark yellow may indicate dehydration.
    • Electrolytes: Consider bringing electrolyte tablets or powders to add to your water, especially if you’re sweating a lot.
  4. Daily Intake: Aim to drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily, more if you’re sweating heavily or if the weather is hot.
  5. During the Trek: Carry a refillable water bottle or hydration system in your daypack for easy access while hiking.

By staying well-hydrated, you’ll maintain your energy levels and enjoy your trekking experience more!

The price varies based on the number of participants and the season. For detailed information, please contact us directly.

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