Batken region

Exploring the Area

Batken town is a small town in the southwest of Kyrgyzstan, the capital of the 7th youngest region of the country.  The territory is situated among 2 neighboring counties of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Strategically Batken region is not very well known in tourism. However, a great potential kept in this old territory of Fergana valley.

Where to Stay

In Batken town possible to stay at local guesthouses, started by local families. Accommodation at local guesthouses and homestays started from 15 USD.
Possible to rent a flat if you plan to stay more nights. The price is about 30 USD.
You can bring your tent and camping gear and put it in a safe and cozy place in nature.

What to See and Do

The touristic potential of the area is huge both natural and historical.

Situated at the Fergana valley, Batken starting spring for Kyrgyzstan.

Beautiful spring season is started with flourishing Aigul flower.  The endemic flower of Fritillaria eduardii Regelscripted at Red Book of Kyrgyzstan in 1978. The approximate date of blooming is April. The flower is endemic! The fee for picking up the flower is 30 USD.

“Orukzar” is a romantic place with apricot trees blooming period. White flowers of apricot trees, Kyrgyz Sakuras charming all around.  Batken apricots fresh and dry naturally in shadow are famous eco-product from Kyrgyzstan.

Nature Park Sarkent situated 141 km from Batken town. The territory of 141 hectares of wild nature.

Mountain range of Sary-Too, 18 km from Samarkandek village, the bottom of the ancient Sarmat sea, with the finding of shells and fossils.

Karavshin Gorge, 60 km from Batken at the Turkestan Range. Alpinists know this as Asian Patagonia for a similar landscape, the peak of Piramidalniy (5509m), twin peaks of Asan (4230m) and Uson (4378m).

Kan-i-Gut Cave in 65 km from Batken. Cave length is 300 km, with winding corridors of 150 m depth.  In 10-11 centuries silver and other minerals have been actively mined here, but as soon as the resources were exhausted, the deposit was empty and was forgotten. During the Kokand Khanid period that was a prison and named “blood” cave. Locals believe in sacral and mysterious “place of the force”.

Kan fortress with its clay ruins located 58 km near Batken. The Kokand  Khanate (1709-1876) castle from one side surrounded by high and rocky mountains, on the other – sheer cliffs. It is about 500 meters long and about a hundred wide.

How to Get Around

Batken is the Eastern part of the country. From Bishkek possible to reach by shared taxi. The road is long and takes about 18-20 hours. Price of the taxi started from 1500 soms till 2000 soms per person per seat (appx.30 USD)

Batken Airport gets the regular internal flights from Bishkek 3 times in a week. Please check the schedule on the official page of the airport.  The price of the one-way ticket costs started at 50 USD.